Marydia Water & Sanitary Sewer Improvements Phases 1, 2, & 3 (TOHO Water Authority

Posted at 2:45 pm on 09/15/2017
Marydia Water & Sanitary Sewer Improvements Phases 1, 2, & 3 (TOHO Water Authority ( Kissimmee, FL)

Project Description: Installation of approximately 16,176 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer main and seventy-three (73) sanitary manholes, including two hundred and ten (210) 6-inch sanitary sewer laterals (singles and doubles), two (2) sewer main connections to existing manholes, approximately 1,565 linear feet of 4-inch, 1,230 linear feet of 8-inch potable water main, 695 linear feet of 10- inch potable water main, five (5) fire hydrant assemblies, four (4) water main connections to an existing water main, including thirty-nine (39) water services, approximately 28,170 square yards of asphalt roadway replacement, one (1) new duplex wastewater lift station, 1,280 linear Feet of 6-inch wastewater force main, pressure testing, permitting requirements, and restoration and site clean-up.

For further questions on this project, please contact 

Jessica Poyner, Project Manager 

352-726-3940 EXT 204 

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